a Australian Cattle Dog Puppies Photos : www.AustralianCattleDogs.com.au : Australian Cattle Dog Puppies For Sale Pictures of the 2005 Litter
Photos of the ACD 8,
Quality, Pure
Bred, Blue Litter Born 22nd & 23rd February 2005 (Although we have tried to optimize this page for quick loading it is very slow to load due to the pictures of the pups - sometimes up to seventeen (17) minutes on a 56.6Kbps modem. Please be patient - go and make a cuppa and return - as it is well worth the wait.) The puppies pictured on this website and page are "Purebred" Blue Australian Cattle Dog puppies only - Not "Pedigreed" Blue Australian Cattle Dog puppies! See our glossary to define and clarify this term if you are unsure what we mean - Click Here.
So you can see the puppies in more detail I've included on this page 2 pictures of each ACD pup with our "puppy" name - my wife Kim likes to name them all. I'm sure if you purchase one you'll come up with your own name for it, which we'd love to know.
(If only the words behind the picture/s are showing (i.e. no picture) then click the refresh button on your browser until it does show. This should eventually fix the problem.) Want to see the proof that what is written about their weights is true? Want to see the actual charting we did as they were/are growing? CLICK HERE to view the details and then when you can see them, save them to your computer as a ".pdf " file. Or CLICK HERE to open them as a ".html " internet file. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the ".pdf " file - get it free click here)
Submit A Question and Get a FREE Copy of my NEW e-Book Titled... "The Australian Cattle Dog" As a fellow Australian Cattle Dog Fancier (Lover), I need your advice! I'm putting the finishing touches on a new e-book and information package that's all about Australian Cattle Dogs and I want to make sure I don't leave anything out. So, will you let me know your biggest question about Australian Cattle Dogs? It could be anything...even if you think it's silly. Also if you have a question regarding anything to do with the puppies then let me know that too and I'll answer if for you ASAP. All you have to do is type your question in the little box below and click submit. In exchange for your advice, I'll give you a free copy of the e-book and information package when it's ready. OK, here's the question and the easy-fill-submit form:
I hope you took the time to ask a question. If you did then you'll be on the list to get first notification when the new e-book is available so you can download your FREE copy. Other Information Glossary and Clarification of the Terms used on this website: Please click here to go to the Australian Cattle Dogs FAQs page where you will find a more detailed explanation of terms used on this page as well as answers to your frequently asked questions. Our Contact Details Phone Contact...
When contacting us by phone it is best to call between the hours of 10:30AM and 3:00PM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) or AEDST (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time) - depending on the date you are calling - and then we can speak with you personally. If you leave a message we will return your message at our earliest convenience. Please feel free to contact us at any time for more information on our great little Pure Bred Australian Cattle Dog Puppies for sale and/or on "The Australian Cattle Dog" e-book due out soon. Work Smart, Enjoy Life & Take Names
Stan Australian Cattle Dog Fancier, Breeder & Author (Personally, I Just Love 'em!) www.AustralianCattleDogs.com.au PS - Don't
forget fill out the form above with your BIGGEST question about Australian
Cattle Dogs so I can send you a FREE copy of my new e-book when it is
finished. PSS - If you have a "true" Australian Cattle Dog story for me to include in the e-book (with a reference to yourself of course), >> email me << and in appreciation of your input I'll send you a link so you too can get a FREE copy of the e-book. You'll also have your name in print. ;) PSST... Want to WIN by Voting for Your Favourite Pup??? CLICK HERE Copyright © 2004 - 2006 www.AustralianCattleDogs.com.au All Rights Reserved.